Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Only 10 Months To Go!!!

*sigh* Where on earth has the time gone?? What happened to those 16 and a half months that we started out with? Oh, that's right, they've been filled with wedding plans, school, new job training and weekends of blissful reunions. We're getting close everybody! So close I can nearly hear the chapel bells ringing!

"What's new?", you ask. Well, I've been diligently practicing my soon-to-be new signature on the back of dinner receipts and drink napkins since January 10th and I think it's starting to look somewhat natural. :) Okay, okay, so that isn't really part of wedding planning but can you blame a girl for being excited? I mean, have met/seen/heard of my fiance?!?

It's summer time and Grant and I have found ourselves plenty busy with our respective schedules. He has been learning more about financial investing than I ever thought anyone could know and I am practicing my signature -I mean studying hard and adding to my business knowledge. Between all of our newly acquired terminology, it's amazing that neither of our heads have popped from over-absorption!

In truth, we've both been working very hard during the week to save up free time for hanging out on weekends when we can see each other. Just last weekend we splurged and bought me a plane ticket to San Jose. I would say it was a sound investment as we were able to take advantage of FREE financial advice and actually see each other in person. We also spent time with quite a few wonderful people while trying to beat the heat. But of course all good things must come to an end so here I am: back in Southern California. The good news is that there is always something to look forward to!

My Matron of Honor, Wendy, is coming out from Phoenix to visit family soon. While she is here, we'll meet up with one of my other bridesmaids, Andi, to go bridesmaid dress shopping! I am amazing at how proactive Wendy, Andi and Amy have been! I thought I was moving quickly but they already have a list of dresses to try on and Wendy is (likely this very moment) planning a shopping route to speed us along. I'm excited to see what we'll be looking at and I'm hoping I'll be able to post some fun photos from the day.

Last month (I think) Grant, mom, dad and I took a trip up to check out the resort in the spring time (as my parents only saw it in March when it was covered in snow) and had a lovely day enjoying the cooler weather and imagining the big day! I leave you with a picture that I hope don't give too much of the view away. :)

As always, hoping all is well with you and that we'll get to see you soon!
